In the heart of a deprived village lies a community on stilts called NZULEZU which means “surface of water” in their local dialect. This village is found in the western part of Ghana, where economic hardships cast long shadows over families struggling to make ends meet but a beacon of hope through the MINA CHARITY FOUNDATION emerged one bright morning, which happened to be a Christmas day (25th December 2023).
It wasn’t just the sun that brought warmth; it was the spirit of generosity and compassion that filled the air. A charity donation initiative had taken root, aiming to nourish not just bodies but souls through the simple act of sharing food, drinks, skills training, and health screening.
The initiative, spearheaded by a group of volunteers and supported by generous donors, sought to bring smiles on the “water people”. Recognizing that hunger knows no boundaries, they gathered with a common purpose: to provide sustenance and support to those in need.
Months of careful planning and heartfelt dedication culminated in a day of unity and kindness. Tables laden with homemade meals, water and drinks stretched across their community center, transforming the space into a vibrant hub of goodwill and compassion. The team had to travel long distance just to make an impact in another’s life.
As word spread throughout the neighborhood, families streamed in, their faces reflecting a mixture of gratitude and relief. For many of the beneficiaries, this gathering represented more than just a meal; it was a lifeline in times of uncertainty, a reminder that they were not alone in their struggles.
Volunteers, adorned with smiles and open hearts, welcomed each guest with warmth and empathy. Their actions spoke volumes, transcending language barriers and fostering a sense of belonging within the community. In the act of giving, they found purpose; in the act of receiving, others found hope.
Children, their laughter echoing through the room, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. For them, this day was a celebration of abundance, a testament to the boundless potential of human kindness.
We believe that early detection and intervention can save lives. With this guiding principle in mind, healthcare professionals amongst the team devoted their time and expertise to providing comprehensive health screenings, from blood pressure checks to blood sugar levels. Each test representing a step towards achieving the objective, offering individuals the chance to address potential health issues before they escalate into crises. Fortunately, we identified two (2) mothers who had elevated blood pressure and sugar levels for which they were quickly referred to the mainstream health facility for further management.
Central to the foundation’s approach is the notion of empowerment and making people independent. At its core, the foundation recognizes that education is the cornerstone of progress, and skills training is the key that unlocks doors to brighter futures. Volunteers taught some of the women how to bake, make soaps and detergents and beads making.
Beyond the tangible impact of food provision, health screening and skills training, laid on our hearts a deeper significance – a reaffirmation of the inner strength and resilience of the human spirit. In a world often of division and strife, this gathering served as a gentle reminder of our capacity to uplift and support one another, regardless of circumstance or creed.
We can confidently say that NZULEZU was a huge success and that is what MINA CHARITY FOUNDATION stands for. We hope to extend as much help to needy and deprived communities.